Luxury handbag designer KHIRMA ELIAZOV is putting a new take on wallets for spring. She is introducing a line of "Oversized Chain Wallets" which are very stylish and cute. The leather and stingray stunners will be available in four colors- camel, coral, teal, and yellow. Khirma creates luxury bags in classic silhouettes and exotic skins in unique combinations which are guaranteed to make a statement. She has already developed a strong celebrity following which includes Alessandra Ambrosio, Blake Lively, Jennifer Lopez, Maggie Grace, Sienna Miller, Rosario Dawson, and more. These wallets will retail for $325 and will be sold exclusively at Henri Bendel and online on the designers website at Khirma Eliazov handbags and accessories are available at Bergdorf Goodman, Calypso St. Barth and other fine retailers.
Monday, March 19, 2012
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