I love a great handbag and AAKS handcrafted bags which is a black owned accessory brand, offers up a great selection of raffia styles. Founded by Akosua Afriyie-Kumi with the goal in mind to introduce to the world her favorite weaving techniques done by the women of Ghana while also creating and igniting sustainable jobs within Africa. The uniquely designed bags tells different story's through its color and shape. Raffia bags are spring/summer essential pieces but people tend to take vacations in the off-seasons so these AAKS handbags are the perfect accessory. The quality of the raffia weaving combined with a leather finish to create these bags is what makes them next level. Also a signature tag is added to each of the handcrafted bags to confirm its authenticity. The ecologically harvested raffia from Ghana farmers are showcased in the beautiful design and silhouettes of each bags. For more details about this accessory brand and to shop the collection, visit AAKSonline.com.
Founder, Akosua Afriyie-Kumi
Credit: AAKS
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